Net Metering Program

Net metering is a program in which solar panels or other renewable energy generators are connected to a public-utility power grid and surplus power is transferred onto the grid, allowing customers to offset the cost of power drawn from the utility. KUA is proud to offer our customers this innovative option to help us partner with the community in an effort to promote the use of renewable energy sources.
If you have questions regarding the installation of an RGS at your location, please contact the KUA Green Team at [email protected] or call 407-933-9800.
Application Process
- Download Application for Interconnection
- All highlighted areas on page one and all other info on all other pages is required.
- Page numbers 3, 13 and 19 homeowner/customer must sign.
- Notice of Commencement/Issued permit status must be achieved in order to submit application.
- $1,000,000 in liability insurance is required for all tier 2 systems and proof must be provided with application.
- Tier 2 systems also require a non-refundable $320 application fee that must be paid by check. Made out to:
- Kissimmee Utility Authority
- Attention: Tellers
- 1701 W. Carroll Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741
- Kissimmee Utility Authority
- Check must include location address and or customer account number or will be returned to sender.
- For all upgrades and or additions existing system info must be included Section 2 of application under Facility Information. Including inverter model, panel model, panel count and wattage per panel.
- Send to [email protected] bring to main office, or fax application.
- Please allow up to 5 business days for application receipt and response.
- Once application is sent to staff please allow up to 30 days for approval
- Once application is fully executed, please allow up to 10 business days for bidirectional service order to be completed and PTO sent.
New Owner to Home with Existing System
- Download New Owner RGS Packet.
- First page must be notarized. Kissimmee Utility Authority offers free notary service for all KUA customers at our Carroll Street main office.
- Customer must sign page 7 as well. (No notary required)
- Send to [email protected] bring to main office, or fax application.
For All Tier 3 Systems Please Reach out directly to [email protected]